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Appellate Practice 101 Webinar

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Length: 1 hour 6 minutes


This webinar provides an overview on appeals – when appeals are permitted, and when they should be pursued.. The one-hour session reviews the rules and procedures that govern appellate practices and how you can best avoid technical and procedural mistakes. The areas covered include how appellate briefs are different from those filed with the trial court, and the keys to making them successful. The panel of experienced appellate litigators provide guidance on preparation of an appellate oral argument. 


Stephen L. Brodsky – Partner, Mazzola Lindstrom LLP

Bobby Earles – Partner, Cooley LLP

Joelle Shabat – Litigation Associate, Sugar Felsenthal Grais & Helsinger LLP

Jarret Raab- Partner, Dressler & Peters LLC

Note: This webinar was produced by Financial Poise and the Newbie Litigator School.